Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Presentations are this week. midterms are next week. cross section and wall section are not complete. math and science is now complete. i will be going in at lunch to work on the drawings. i need to complete my mentor contacts and outline for presentations. 

Monday, January 12, 2009

Math and Science Analysis

My project requires to design and build a model of a free standing emergency medical clinic in an area that needs medical attention. After researching several areas in New Jersey we chose a rather close location in Asbury Park. Once a basic floorplan was approved by our group we split the work into several parts. My developmental work was to do the exterior wall section, providing a roof pitch, and a cross-section through the structure. To complete this work, I had to have a deep understanding of the construction of a building, including materials to build and how each of these materials are used.

Starting with the foundation, a footing is the first step to putting a building up. The footing must be below the frost line which in central New Jersey is about 3 feet. The footing will be 12" tall by 24" wide and 24" long. On top of this cinder blocks will be used as the foundation wall and be built up to ground level. Standard 8" by 8" by 12" cinder blocks will be used. Because the foundation wall is centered on the footing there is enough room to place 4" thick bricks as the facade. A 4" concrete slab will be laid down on top of 2" rigid insulation, on top of 4" of built up pea gravel. There will be steel studs with dimensions 2" by 4" by 12" for the interior wall framing. They will also line the top and bottom of the wall so the studs will only be about 9' 8" in height. In between studs Batt insulation will be used to insulate the whole building. The ceiling is a height of 10' and the ceiling tiles will be placed at this height. About 12" above that the steel truss will begin and continue along the structure at a height of 18". Steel decking is then laid down across the whole roof, with 2" rigid insulation on top of that, and then gravel and tar will be built up. This layering will create the flat roof on the structure. Across from the truss a steel "I" beam will be placed for support on the roof. Steel studs and plates, insulation board, and a cant strip will be used to complete the builing and construction of the walls and roof.

The science I focused on for my project are the design principles. They include balance, rythm and repitition, emphasis and subordination, proportion, unity, variety and opposition, and transition. The main focus in building the Emergency Medical Center was making sure it was functional and appealing. By following the design principles, we obtained a building that was both functional and appealing to those who need it. Balance and proportion can be seen in the construction of the building while emphasis on the important issues proved a greater outcome. One of the most famous ancient Greeks, Uchlid, can be created with coming up with the golden design rule. This is a summary of the design principles responsible for many architecture designs today.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Math and Science are due Monday with developmental work. Drawings are being completed and math and science will be completed over the weekend. Mentor contacts are due the 20th. Those are coming along nicely.